November 3, 2003 issue
Copyright © 2003 The American Conservative
Wall Street Journal vs. America
by Pat Buchanan

Commentators have lately begun to point up parallels between the presidency of George W. Bush and that of his father. Both enjoyed extraordinary approval in their third years after triumphs over Saddam Hussein. Both began to slide due to a sickly economy. Both won office on Reaganite rhetoric. But both then left themselves open to a populist revolt by embracing the counterfeit conservatism of the Wall Street Journal.

In 1992, Ross Perot tore off a third of the Reagan coalition, leaving George H. W. with the smallest share of the presidential popular vote in 80 years. Were the son to face a third-party challenge from the Right, he too would be going home after one term.

The mega-issues on which the Bushes abandoned conservatism for the Hong Kong values of the Wall Street Journal are free-trade globalism, open-borders immigration, and Wilsonian interventionism.

Unlike the patriarch Sen. Prescott Bush, George H. W. and his son are free traders who simply cannot see the industrial ruin before them from a decade of NAFTA, GATT, MFN for Beijing, and U.S. subordination to the Yankee-baiting Eurocrats of the WTO.

But the returns from 10 years of free trade are in. America is running huge trade deficits with Canada, Mexico, Japan, China, and the EU. Manufacturing jobs have been disappearing at the rate of 83,000 a month every month Bush has been in office. Under George W., one in every six manufacturing jobs has vanished.

Is there no amount of bleeding of jobs that will jolt Mr. Bush into grasping that the Journal’s free-trade fanaticism is denuding his country of its industrial base and could kill his presidency, as it did his father’s?

The second issue is immigration. For years, the Journal has pushed to amend the U.S. Constitution to read, “There shall be open borders.” The Journal wants to tie the hands of the President and Congress to guarantee that the Third World invasion of America is unstoppable. Yet, mass immigration is bankrupting California, as millions of poor immigrants have poured in and millions of middle-class Californians have fled to Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, and Idaho.

Ten million illegal aliens now live here. Their crime rates and social-service demands are higher and tax payments far lower than those of our native-born. As California is fast becoming a Third World state, America is becoming a Third World country. Why is President Bush welcoming this radical transformation of America into a giant replica of the UN General Assembly? What was so wrong with the country we grew up in?

Can the Bushites not see the consequences of blindly following Journal ideology? The Clintonites could. They evaded the law to get millions of Latinos naturalized and registered. In 1996, it paid off. First-time Hispanic voters went 91 percent against Dole-Kemp.

The third issue on which Bush II has embraced Journal neoconservatism is foreign policy. For a decade after Desert Storm, containment had worked with Saddam. Iraq had not invaded a neighbor nor launched a single terror attack against Americans.

Yet, no sooner had the World Trade Center towers fallen than the Journal was shrieking for strikes on “terrorist camps in Syria, Sudan, Libya, and Algeria, and perhaps even in parts of Egypt.” This was warmongering. None of these countries had anything to do with 9/11.

After the overthrow of the Taliban, the Journal began beating the drums for the war it always wanted and the cause it never abandoned: “On to Baghdad!” Impose a “MacArthur Regency”! Now we have Baghdad and the Bremer Regency. And if Mr. Bush cannot extricate us from this new war of suicide bombings and sniper shootings we warned him would follow a U.S. invasion, he may not be re-elected.

What President Bush and many conservatives do not realize is that the Wall Street Journal is to true conservatism what Eisner is to Disney, a cow bird that flew in to sit on the nest another bird built.

Journal editor emeritus Robert Bartley once told author Peter Brimelow, “I think the nation-state is finished.” In June, Bartley flew to Italy for the 10th Santa Colomba Conference hosted by Journal guru Robert Mundell. Topic: “Does the Global Economy Need a Global Currency?”

“World money, with a world central bank, seems a next logical step,” chirps Bartley, who dreams of a New World Order currency replacing the U.S. dollar. Yet, as Margaret Thatcher told this writer, a nation that gives up its currency gives up its sovereignty and independence.

Time to say it: Loyalty to the New World Order is treason to the Republic. But why is Bush blindly following the counsel of faux conservatives leading him down a path that ends in the abolition of America? Why, Mr. President?
on Nov 04, 2003
Friday, October 31, 2003


Being it is essential for the fullest fulfilling of joy and happiness to know and live in the oneness of the Father and Son in our Lord Jesus Christ, by His mercy, I will explain this oneness as has been made knowing and lived in me.
The Son (Salvation in the Hebrew language is Joschia; which is Jesus) is in time come forth in form first, and it is to the end the Father (Jehovah) by which His means are come forth and formed and made to appear His only begotten Son (Jesus).
It is Eternal Life’s beginning and end (Divine Love; omnipotence, not felt in man) that cause (Divine Wisdom; omniscience, not known by man) actuated in effect the Father (Jehovah) being first in means becoming Divine in His human (only begotten Son).
Here then the Father (Jehovah) is First and Last and His means fully come forth and formed and made to appear after His resurrection, His glorified Divine human, first begotten of the dead, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, amen, amen
So here then, by our Lord’s mercy, is explained His Divinity in oneness as: The Father and Son are one as soul and body of man is one, even more so being the very Divine Love in Divine Wisdom of Eternal Life, of Whom Angels and men say, Abba; Father. Amen and amen
In affirmation here to of this our Lord’s oneness in the Father and Son, by His mercy, the following will be presented from the Word. A now Angel of the Lord, who when a man on earth, the Apostle Philip said unto Jesus, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him. Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast though not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father (John 14:8-9)?
Another now Angel of the Lord, who when a man on earth, the Apostle Thomas who seeing, hearing, and touching the risen Christ say My Lord and my God (John 20:28).
And another now Angel of the Lord, who when a man on earth the Apostle Paul say, That in Jesus Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the divinity bodily (Col. 2:9).
Being all the Apostles (NT Teachers) and Prophets (OT Teachers) are in the next Life Angels. The entire Holy Scripture is making known our Lord’s Divinity in the oneness of the Father and Son. So, by our Lord’s mercy, being the magnitude and multitude of the Word in Him is one, Divine. Unto which testified another now Angel of the Lord, who when a man on earth, the Apostle John say, And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life (1 John 5:20).
To further solidify the conjunction of this our Lord’s Divinity in the oneness of the Father and Son unto our souls, by His mercy, the following will be added from the sound doctrine of another now Angel of the Lord, who when a man on earth, the Seer Emanuel Swedenborg.
Jesus was/is/will be in two states when in the world with His generation(s), examination and glorification. In examination Jesus admitted temptations and spoke to the Father (His Soul, Divine Love: Jehovah) as if separate from Himself. In glorification Jesus spoke from the Father what is/was/will be done.
It is/was/will be in these two states that Christ Jesus our Lord subjugated the hells, put in order the Heavens, and borne/forms Salvation into the world for mankind.
Jesus finished this work in Him with the last act of the passion of the cross. Where by He put off all that was/is/will be of the virgin mother and put on all that is/was/will be of the Father and glorified His human and made it Divine.
It is/was/will be to this beginning and end, Salvation for mankind, that Jehovah’s name, Holy Seed, within which is the Divine Love in Divine Wisdom of Eternal Life. It is this precious Holy Seed being mercifully, gently, and ever so patiently passing in/through the Heavens of Angels. Those regenerated men of God deceased from earth, manifesting Messiah (God-man), come in Word (Divine fulfilled in ultimate written letter; Holy Bible), unto Prophets, come forth and fulfilled in ultimate Supreme form Jesus Christ our Lord, Glorified Good Man united to the Divine within Himself. Amen and amen
HalleluJah! Great Art Thou O’God our Father and Lord. Who makes knowing this day, as all days, even before the world was, unto all creation ever were, are, or will be. From the highest Heavens to the lowest hells, and all dimensions in between, that, God is the Divine truth proceeding from the Divine good of the Divine human, Jesus Christ our Lord, of Whom Angels and men say, Abba; Father. Amen and amen
O’Benevolent One, Thou Most High Highness who fulfills all existence with joy and happiness in Thy glorious precious miraculous gift, Eternal Life. For in living example Thou O’Lord established bodily the covenant of Salvation and Everlasting Life, by making the human of man, Divine. So that all, which receive Thee and keep Thy commandments, by grace and truth, may make the natural of man, Spiritual.
O’Lamb of God from the Bright Sparkling Light of Thy Glorious Salvation are all the living this day, as all days, even before the world was, illumined in the Divine Man, that as are our loves so to our lives in this world and more fully so the next.
For those whose loves are the Lord and their fellow man. Live life charitably with others. Will in the next Life embrace the Heavens agreeable with their lives loves affectionately lived when in the world and inexplicably more wonderfully fully so.
And for those whose loves are self only. Deny the Lord and their fellow man, except for what is gain to their own self-loves. Will in the next Life repel from the Heavens and embrace the hells agreeable with their lives selfish loves lusting lived when in the world and inexplicably more diabolically fully so.
For wonderful to say, those in the Heavens are there for they love to be. And those in the hells are there for they love to be. For truly as are our loves so to our live in this world and more fully so the next.
And, if we can receive it, the words we use are but come forth from within of our loves of which we are. And with a little more consideration one may know, that in this temporal natural world of time and space we are held together in proximity of locations even though we may differ as to our loves. However, in the next Life there is no more time and space but states of being that’ll determine our place.
It is/was/will be in the next Life, in these Substantial (Good Spirits and Angels) or unsubstantial (satans and devils) states of being. That near and far, will be in agreement with, the goodness and truth or evil and falsity, of, our lives love affectionately or diabolically lived when in the world. And by our Lord’s mercy, if we can receive it, this is that gulf spoken of in the Word between Lazarus and the rich man, which can not be crossed. Lets all who have an ear this day hear. Selah
To conclude in summary, those, whose loves are the Lord and their fellow man, it’ll be the Heavens. And for those, whose loves are they only and deny the Lord and their fellow man, it’ll be the hells. And for Righteousness sake, most wonderful to say, it’ll always and forever be as are our loves to live unto Eternal Salvation or damnation (Second death; soul lost having never learned to love another then self). O’Lamb of God Thou Art our Righteousness and Justice. Amen and amen
Here then, by our Lord’s mercy, is “The Oneness Explained”. SLJC/lrm
on Dec 02, 2003
It must be noted that President Clinton, a Democrat and a Democrat controlled Congress passed both NAFTA and GATT ten years ago. They joined hands with the Republicans led by Senator Dole and Congressional Leader Gingrich. Commentators like Limbaugh backed the vote too. This all happened during a lame-duck session of Congress. President Clinton called in Congress to vote on the trade issues during the Thanksgiving vacation period. Most significantly, the Contract to America Republicans won control of Congress handily in the first week of November that year. You would think that the Republicans with this mandate would have used their new power to postpone the passing of GATT and NAFTA trade agreements until they took office in January but they did not and President Clinton controlled the proceedings with a Democrat controlled Congress.
So both parties are deeply dedicated to Globalism and Free Trade. The only Presidential Democrat candidate for getting out of NAFTA, GATT and the WTO is Congressman Kucinich. Ralph Nader is ready to endorse him. Nader or Kucinich more likely will follow Perot example in a third party situation. Kucinich may end up with the power to decide who the next President will be even if he is not the Democrat Nominee. The workers are now more aware of who betrayed them. They also are more aware this time around that both parties acted as a Pearl Harbor attack on the America Dream. Millions have lost their jobs. A working poor class has been created in the USA and millions have drifted into a silent depression. The Get America Working organization reports that close to 50 million adults are free to work but were not doing so. They are officially invisible. The labor department does not include them in the work force or note them as unemployed. 53 million work only part-time with about 15 million of that number only average 20 hours a week or less.
A third party candidate will again come forward and most likely help defeat President George W Bush just as his father was.
However, there are many Populists who can not vote for any Liberal adgenda. Pershaps there will be a third party candidate that will offset the Nader group but none have surfaced yet. There is talk of Judge Moore will be sought after as the Constitution Party's candidate and he may offset the Nader type votes. This all remains to be seen and God help us if Hillary runs. For more information see Tapart Real News and Art that Talks at or or view top newspaper story titled Power to the People art featuring the American Dream is Burning art by Ray Tapajna at or go to this page at Tapart News.
In summary, Globalism and Free Trade are no longer something new and demonstrate failures for the past ten years. Globalism is now breeding wars and terrorism. Note the Cross 9-11 Tangle of Terror artwork at Tapart News asking who will now untangle the terror Globalism and Free Trade have bred.